send the light, that blessed gospel light...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

i dont dig on swine...

well another day, another dollar...

bringing home the bacon...

workin a nine-to-five...

and any other euphamisms that you can think of for work. what im trying to say is i work alot these days, but i need the money. I guess, i really just want to spent it on a sweet 'ol tatt at the end of the summer, but that probably wont happen. but i thought about it and where i work i really like, the people there always make it interesting. I work with alot of people from VFCC and they are always really cool. then our cheff is a man with quite the work ethic and attitude... hailing from turkey, he got pissed at me today for making him make new cole slaw when we had a whole bunch left. i thought that we needed it , but apparently we didnt, and i didnt really feel like having him give me the third degree. we told him that a leak in the ceiling leaked in it and thats why we needed a new one...i dont really feel convicted, though maybe i should. next we have the twins, hil and undine and they are the hardest working people ive ever met, they dont ever slow down i contribute that to the 5 red bull no sugar energy drinks that they consume on a daily basis. im not a doctor or anyhting but im just saiyng a diet that consist of food from the The Inn at Chester Springs and averaging like 1200 times the amount of b12 that you are suppose to have in a day it just seems like a recipe for congestive heart trauma. They work really hard and they make my job easier and they have great hearts (while they last) on top of that. just a disclaimer im joking about the heart conditions mostly just to make my sister continue to think im clever, these girls are extremely healthy. Then we have a angry irish men put with a heart of gold named pat. he refers to issac (the only korean ever to work at the inn ) as "hong-kong-fooey" on a regular basis along with "John Woo" and "Jackie Chan." then we have Hieko, stands about 6'0 ft tall with clothers initerly to small with a half german half 3 yr old speech epimpediment and the key to everyones heart. seriously the nicest/most sincere person ive met. then there is dana who refered to cauliflower as "white broccoli" and thought that wolvarines were not real yet wolves that were "demon possesed"... i'm just sayin....honest mistake. anyway all this is mixed together to make a very fun atmosphere to work in, but i realized that no matter what i do i hate to work...but then on the other hand i hate doing nothing, and i love making money... im only working till june and then im on tour for the reat of the summer with pnuema. im thinking of getting a digital camera and taking pictures, and then flickr'ing them all summer so everyone can know what the deal is in my life....

by the way i finished Harry Potter: and The Order of the Pheonix, it was awesome and it leaves alot of room for the next book. its really exciting, i think next im either gonna start the Illiad or maybe One flew Over the Cookoos Nest... oh im excited....


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