what our passions and sufferings are, to each other...

do you attend a church, if so what kind? -no i don't attend a church
If not, why not? and if yes what do you like about it? -i don't attend a religious institution. my mind is my church
with your church encounters what would you say the worst part about it was? -the worse part is not being able to leave
what was best part? -it is uncorruptable, except for by its maker. i know i can never lie to myself.
what would attract you to a church? -if it had a machine where you can connect your brains together and proove without anything but the straight truth, what our passions and sufferings are, to each other.
what is some advice that would you give the american christian church? -maybe this is a weakness and not a faith of yours. this strength you search for is within yourself. you're digging into books, and inhaling obvious phrases, and whispering wishes to the ceiling. maybe you should be digging deep into the darkness of your dying yet gifted heart, exhaling the truths and poisons that haunt your being, and scream the harrowing facts that eat away at your insides, to the floor. and stare at it and be proud. that you can see what you really are. IN FACT: you will never be fully true. that is the only "sin". what are you afraid of? can you only answer to proper etiquette? Can you not accept that you are a disgusting vessel? What is a Do-Gooder when it's all in lies? the bottom line is, the only REAL reason why you do "good" and contradict your own true feelings, is so that you will not be alone. I think anyone would rather be crucified, than be alone, or, even be in acceptance of their monstrous realities
although i dont agree with everything omar has said, i think that he makes a good argument...
maybe us a christians hate to look at what we really are deep in side, maybe some do just try to go to church and blend in so that they will not feel alone, and seldomly do we search our own souls, to see who we truly are and what incredible thing God has truly created when he made us. we can not be afraid to look into our selves no matter how scary it is, this is the only way we will become truly real with ourselves and in turn truly real with God and in turn honestly real with others around us.
At 10:32 AM,
Rob Gillen said…
Wow man, I love how you show pictures of the actual people you're interviewing. That's good stuff, it adds alot of life to the interviews, shows you that what you're reading is a real life person that has a tie to the author..."you."
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