send the light, that blessed gospel light...

Sunday, May 29, 2005


i got my grades in the mail the other day, the best grades i ever got. big m put them on the fridge 2nd grade style:

Applied Piano A
Jazz Ensemble A
Nutrition and Health A
Introduction to Philosophy B
Foundations of Biblical Preaching B+ (should be an A-, i got to go talk to the peeps at registrar)
Church Growth B+
Physical Science B-
Theology 1 A

p.s. i picked up the new bane and the new red chord, i havent listen to them enough to know how good they are yet...more to come on that

Thursday, May 26, 2005

good news...

i talked to jamie one of my friends that i met on tour last year. he is on the ministry team from CBC floodgate and i found out that he is going to be at the first camp that i will be at southern missoursi camp. and then he is going to be at colorado for fine arts, so its tight that im going to be able to see him a couple of times. i really like him alot and we got along almost immediately after we met. im really excited about touring this summer, its going to be totally different than last year, and thats ok. alot of things have changed and i think for the better so this summer hopefully will be a success. God has it all in control, so its going to be crucial. im really excited.


Monday, May 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by jkburtram.
im scheemin.....dont know what im scheemin, all i know is that im scheemin somethin awful...


Originally uploaded by jkburtram.
just to give you a little idea of how many heads were loosing their minds...


Originally uploaded by jkburtram.
Suicide File show at CBGB's look between the guitar and bass player....somebody's jammin...

suicide file was a sucess...

so we successfully made it to CBGB's for the show, it was incredible. it was like the smallest place, and it was set up so weird, people were going bananas... seriously there was like 400 people ,where you could only probably safely fit 200, who knew every word to every suicide file song. people were jumping off the walls, hanging off the rafters,and loosing their minds it was so awesome...deffinetly one of those shows that you are proud to be in the hardcore scene and proud to know good hardcore bands. i really enjoyed it thoroughly, and then we went to chipotle to end the night and of course that was incredible, then we kind of got lost but we made it home fine. then we got back and jeremy ricky and kathy who were stayin here at the forge for the night. so it was me matt pizz coon and sutherland in my room and then ricky and jeremy found other rooms down the hall that were deserted. so we all got to sleep well, and we all were ok at the end of the night. it was alot of fun... the show was by far the best part of the night, and it was by far one of the best ahows i have ever been to.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

bid D...a man of many shades

poppab26: you cannot be moved by compassion when shopping

poppab26: salesmen know that kind of thing and can get you to buy out of pitty...

his never ending knowledge leaves me breathless...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

we are forward thinking youth we can use our own minds...

i went down to illedelpha last night for the terror/modern life is war show. comeback kid was suppose to play too but they cancelled because a close friend of theirs died. blacklisted took their place. It was awesome it was the first time i saw blacklisted and they were in there home town, so it was buck wild. there were so many kids their that there wasnt much room to dance but people were having fun. modern life is war was off the hinges, pretty much everyone knew their stuff so there were pile ons, stage dives,and head walking galore. they are so possitive so the atmosphere was really fun. then blacklisted played and all these FSU kids were there, i guess one of their dudes put on the show. well one kid started fighting one of the FSU dudes, and then like 20 of his boys were all up in the mix. that got squashed pretty quickly, but the rest of the set people were dancin like a bunch of bammas. terror was awesome, yet the bammaness kept a pretty constant steady on the dance flo'. the lead singer for terror has a way of making you so proud to be in the hardcore scene. all in all it was an awesome night of hardcore. there were fights and bammas....but it happens. Suicide File Reunion this sunday, which is going to be awesome... and then pretty much thats the last shows for the summer, because them i go on tour. but for the only two shows for the summer, i cant think of any better...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

want list

Want List:

Devin Davis – Lonely People of the World Unite

Coldplay – X&Y

Modern Life is War – Witness

Aimee Mann – The Forgotten Arm

Sufjan Stevens – Illinois

Bloody Sunday – To Sentence the Dead

Bane – The Note

Lights Out – Overload

Blacklisted – We are Unstoppable

The Red Chord – Clients

Radiohead – Amnesiac

Sigur Ros –Von

Guster - Keep it together (newly added today)

i think its a pretty good list its got all the stuff that i really want that i have thought of now...

"temper is a package pulling at its bow, darlin disaters help you grow"
(this song was played on theOC this week HA!)

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Smart Brotha Indeed...

pop up ads are invading my computers main-frame like the flippin beaches of normandy...

me and coon moved in our new room and its a really tight set up... we spent the whole day fixin up our other apartment and it was nuts. we were responsible for cleaning up everything that other people left behind. it was really bogus. that was a bamma move on the others part, but nothing worth getting crazy for. Ive been listening to Life in Your Way alot lately they are my boys. the drummer used to play with me when i was in highschool. so i thought i would shout em out.

they are coming out with a new cd, and i really am impressed by what they are doing, they sound alot different than this whole, everyone and there mom break down normajean two step camo short black hoodie crap. they are a refreshing sound to the hardcore community. so check them out. i really like the new stuff alot. ive been rockin alot of other stuff lately too. i really like wilco more than ever before. they have changed the way i listen to music. ive never heard a band that can make so many songs sound so different and be so fun to listen too. jeff tweedy is the lead singer and his lyrics are really awesome. i should quote them more often. i have a cd want list that i should post, j-rudd gave me the idea, its about 10 albums long, i will post it tomorrow. everything is well though, work kinda sucks but i am making some good money so that is good i miss my family, the majority of them are in new hamshire watching my oldest bro joel graduate. im proud of a brotha indeed.

Teror Comeback Kid and MLIW on tuesday= hell yeah

Thursday, May 12, 2005

i dont dig on swine...

well another day, another dollar...

bringing home the bacon...

workin a nine-to-five...

and any other euphamisms that you can think of for work. what im trying to say is i work alot these days, but i need the money. I guess, i really just want to spent it on a sweet 'ol tatt at the end of the summer, but that probably wont happen. but i thought about it and where i work i really like, the people there always make it interesting. I work with alot of people from VFCC and they are always really cool. then our cheff is a man with quite the work ethic and attitude... hailing from turkey, he got pissed at me today for making him make new cole slaw when we had a whole bunch left. i thought that we needed it , but apparently we didnt, and i didnt really feel like having him give me the third degree. we told him that a leak in the ceiling leaked in it and thats why we needed a new one...i dont really feel convicted, though maybe i should. next we have the twins, hil and undine and they are the hardest working people ive ever met, they dont ever slow down i contribute that to the 5 red bull no sugar energy drinks that they consume on a daily basis. im not a doctor or anyhting but im just saiyng a diet that consist of food from the The Inn at Chester Springs and averaging like 1200 times the amount of b12 that you are suppose to have in a day it just seems like a recipe for congestive heart trauma. They work really hard and they make my job easier and they have great hearts (while they last) on top of that. just a disclaimer im joking about the heart conditions mostly just to make my sister continue to think im clever, these girls are extremely healthy. Then we have a angry irish men put with a heart of gold named pat. he refers to issac (the only korean ever to work at the inn ) as "hong-kong-fooey" on a regular basis along with "John Woo" and "Jackie Chan." then we have Hieko, stands about 6'0 ft tall with clothers initerly to small with a half german half 3 yr old speech epimpediment and the key to everyones heart. seriously the nicest/most sincere person ive met. then there is dana who refered to cauliflower as "white broccoli" and thought that wolvarines were not real yet wolves that were "demon possesed"... i'm just sayin....honest mistake. anyway all this is mixed together to make a very fun atmosphere to work in, but i realized that no matter what i do i hate to work...but then on the other hand i hate doing nothing, and i love making money... im only working till june and then im on tour for the reat of the summer with pnuema. im thinking of getting a digital camera and taking pictures, and then flickr'ing them all summer so everyone can know what the deal is in my life....

by the way i finished Harry Potter: and The Order of the Pheonix, it was awesome and it leaves alot of room for the next book. its really exciting, i think next im either gonna start the Illiad or maybe One flew Over the Cookoos Nest... oh im excited....

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

in regards to my last post...

i thought this was appropriate:

"no love just sex, the american way"
-suicide file-
Im goin to the reunion show with pizz and mateo on the 22nd and im pumped!!

"filling the void" = not willing to cope with it...

i was talking to some people tongiht at work, and they were telling me that they were filling the void that they had gotten from a previous relationship with other relationships that didnt mean was just there as filler until the real thing came along again. i feel like this is the kind of idea that people of our generation have been plaigued with

"well if we put no emotion in, and we get ours then there will be nothing but physical gradification and no strings attached"

it occured to me that this is such a bogus way to look at relationships, i feel like its just a sign of how lazy people are now adays... there is no commitment because commitment= hard work, and who the hell wants to that? its funny because in christian circles where illict sex is not as common...people still have these same kinda of all boils down to patience we as people want "true Love" and yet very seldom want the work that comes along with it. and when one relationship hits the rocks, we fill the "void" with something else. people go from thing to thing so qucik that they dont give God a chance to show them that he has things under control... and then we point our finger at God and say, why am i in this mess that we are in...

you do that is to your self...relationships take work, and if you havent found the person who you are willing to work hard for than exercise the patience that you know you have but you just dont want to use. if you are worried about a little bit of time spent alone....just think practically, nobody did anything worth anything with out getting hurt...

i guess what im tryin is dont be afraid to work hard for what you want, and know that God is on your side, and that sometimes working hard is being able to be content where you are.... my prayer is for patience, i need to give God a chance to do something and i just want things done my own way and I WANT THAT ISH NOW!!everyone just needs to chill, and know that God is undercontrol. he is rooting for us, hes like the dad at a little league when you get up to bat once a game, and play left out for one inning, he is there still cheering for you and wanting you to make the best of your life, and he also like a dad knows that you will jack it up on your own with out his help.

this is kind of deep, and this is not personal to anyone it is something that i have put alot of thought into, and the conversation tonight just brought me back to my thoughts.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Bammin Slammin and Jammin...

Originally uploaded by jkburtram.


Originally uploaded by jkburtram.
this is me jammin to something in the back of Claw's car...if you look closely you can see my neck pubes...


i love my sister...
and her kids, and the allstar...
i want to gotoseattle...
and eatatthe chipotle...
remember to remember me...